Friday, October 19, 2007

Chicken Pox Virus Survive In The Air?


This blog will try to retrace my journey to Bangalore.

It is intended e to all who wish to live in this city and especially to epitéens. Many courses are offered to students of this school Blore but few bother to take an interest because India remains a rather mysterious country has their eyes.
It also allowed my family to have my news and view photos.

Last year 3 students were gone al'ITK (3rd best university in the world) and Siemens. This year, two are from Siemens and for my part, I work for Business Objects. I regularly see Ugo and Roman, the other two epitéens, and it also has a blog: I suggest you read.

Both have had the courage to leave to the discovery of a country they do not know pas mais j’ai un peu moins de mérite puisque mon père est Indien et que je suis déjà venu une dizaine de fois. En revanche je suis originaire de Gonda un petit village au nord de Bénarès et je ne connais donc pas du tout Bangalore. Mes précédents voyages m’ont amenés à Delhi, dans l’Himalaya et un peu partout dans l’Uthar Pradesh mais jamais dans le sud de l’Inde. Je tiens à préciser que l’Inde est un pays immense et que les différences entre le nord et le sud sont très importantes. La langue, la cuisine, le physique des habitants, les coutumes n’ont absolument rien à voir. De plus il n’est pas aussi aisé qu’en France de ce déplacer inside the country. Thus the Indians of another state are considered foreigners if they are not in theirs. But in Bangalore, things are a little different from the dimension of the cosmopolitan city. I'll go into more detail in a forthcoming article.

I know I should have taken me a little early to start this blog (I arrived on September 27) but better late than never. The first news will be very dense.

For those who do not know me here is my description:

Name Ram or Rama
for France Nationality: Franco-Indian
Age: 22 years
School: 4th year EPITA ( )
company that welcomes me to the course: Business Objects (www.businessobjects. com)
Height: 1m90
Weight: 85kg
Vegetarian (It is important here)

I tried to put up pictures but I only have a phone with k750i camera 2MégaPixels. The quality will not always go. However I would try to tax and photos Ugo Romano.

Of the two pronunciations of my name you can read the address this blog as Ram or Rama Blore Blore :) .

Enjoy this blog


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