Monday, April 26, 2010

Normal Foot Pain From Skating]


One of our last sunsets.

A little reading in navigation, no better way to relax, especially since it was quiet.

We were very proud of our decision ...

Our fish gave several portions and it was excellent.

A restaurant in the village of Plymouth on Green Turtle Cay.

Loyalist Memorial Sculpture Garden in Plymouth.

Also in Loyalist Memorial Sculpture Garden.

Meeting of marriage when we walk in Plymouth Green Turtle. The bride arrives not in a limousine, she walked with her maids of honor, in this small street of Plymouth, to the church.

Last time relaxing before our trip.

A nice encounter with a stingray.

Goodbye, we will return one day to the Bahamas ...

How Often Do People Die From Aids


And yes, we again became good consumers, so we are in Florida. Since we have a car, we take the opportunity to go shopping. Wow! Shops, supermarkets, West Marine, Walmart, cafés with terrace, etc ... We have not missed much this winter but still pretty impressive, when one returns to the East Coast to see so many abundance. Well, for us to enjoy! But before you enjoy all these good things, it took us get here.

from Great Sale Cay Tuesday, April 20 at 10:30 heures, avec nos amis de Rigalio, nous nous arrêtons sur la fin du bank des Bahamas, à Memory Rock, ou il y un feu de navigation déposé sur un rocher, à 19:00 heures après avoir fait 50 mn. De l’eau à perte de vue sur 360 degrés. Bizarre de s’arrêter comme ça, au milieu de nulle part, dans 15 pieds d’eau. Navigation un peu houleuse vers la fin du trajet. Belle surprise durant la traversée, pour notre fin de voyage aux Bahamas, une prise d’un délicieux poisson, un Cero de 25 pouces que j’ai arrangé avant d’arriver à Memory Rock. Le partage avec Rigalio était de mise.

Le temps de nous reposer, nous voulions repartir vers 04 :00 o'clock in the morning to cross the Gulf Stream (we decided not to do night navigation to complete this crossing). But the tide rose and brewed it a lot, which was not expected because it had to be quiet. As we could not sleep, we decide to weigh anchor at 02: 30 hours to begin our journey towards Fort Pierce Inlet. Starting the rain (which was not planned either) started the game with a little more wind than expected SW, 15 to 20 knots, but it was on starboard buttock. Zenith always behaves well with this type of navigation. Le vent a baissé en milieu d’avant-midi, 5-8 nds mais NW. Les grains (fortes pluies+vent+éclairs) se sont succédés jusqu’en début d’après-midi. Le radar nous a permis d’en éviter quelques uns. À environ 15 mn de la côte américaine, nous avons eu un comité d’accueil : la Garde Côtière Américaine nous a accostés, des gardes armés jusqu’aux dents, mais bien gentils, sont montés à bord pour une inspection. Tout s’est bien passé mais nous avons perdu une bonne heure, nous qui avions hâte d’arriver, il me semble que ce n’était pas le temps… Rigalio a aussi eu droit à une fouille en règle. Finalement, nous avons jeté l’ancre à 16:00 heures à Fort Pierce, bien contents d’être arrivés.

Après une bonne nuit de sommeil sur du béton (c’était le calme plat à l’ancrage), nous sommes allé faire les douanes qui se trouve à l’aéroport, à 5 minutes en taxi (30$ pour nous quatre et le chauffeur nous a attendus une heure). Après un bon hamburger-fromage-bacon-frites, comme les américains savent les faire, nous voilà prêt pour lever l’ancre vers Vero Beach. Après 12 mn, Zenith colle Rigalio sur le mooring no 11(nous sommes à l’épaule) depuis jeudi passé.

Friday we went to retrieve the van''''our friends. It is convenient to have a vehicle to move! Saturday, we visited the Kennedy Space Center''and''based NASA. Great day of discovery. Sunday was the day exploring the abundance stores ... It's tiring days like this, we are more accustomed.

And today, Yvon bring the van went to the marina, or we will leave Zenith (6 hours round trip) We leave to the north tomorrow morning. We expect 5 days to reach the marina and without drag. It will be of 60 minutes per day. At the marina, it will take a few days to prepare for Zenith to a well deserved rest. Then a long drive back to Quebec before us ...

Till next time.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

How To Clean A New Pressing Comb


To follow the latest text, as planned, we left Saturday morning from Treasure Cay at 09:00 hours to arrive in Green Turtle Cay to 12:00 hours. The 15 minutes were filled motor for lack of wind. The famous Whale Cay Channel has done very well, no swell, even I myself do not notice anything because I did a little nap while the captain was responsible for navigation.

We had two choices of anchor or White or Black Sound Sound which lies closer to the large village of New Plymouth. White Sound was our choice due to better hold of the anchor, from what we had read and it's true because the anchor to bite well on the first try. It must be said that throughout the winter, we had no problem except once to anchor Hachet Bay on the island of Eleuthera, he took it back twice. In Black Sound, you will find among others a well equipped marina for boats out of water,''Lift'' must have at least 22 feet wide. Moreover, there is many Canadians who leave their boats for the summer season. You can leave either on land or at mooring.

We had a nice walk in the large village of Loyalist descendants, while eating an ice cream homemade coconut, yum yum .. .. There are several marinas, gift shops, coffee shops, 2 grocery stores, 2 churches and what surprised us is the''Loyalist Memorial Sculpture Garden,''a garden that contains 25 bronze busts placed on pedestals representing loyalists and slaves who played an important role in Bahamas. Pretty impressive and well presented.

We agreed with the crew of Rigalio to leave Sunday morning to get to Pensacola Cay to get closer to Great Sale Cay, the last island before crossing to the U.S. It was a hot day with no wind, a dead calm on the water more than a navigation Poppa ... We have 24 minutes to an engine starting at 9:30 pm at Green Turtle Cay to arrive at anchor at 14:00 hours. En route, we caught a fish, a jack, a ten inch. Arriving just long enough to note the navigation in the logbook and these are our two captains ready to go fishing. He had to take because fishing in the clear waters of the Bahamas complete. After an hour, they are back and 2 fish over to the estate of Richard and sharing but it is our supper of fish confirmed with that taken in the afternoon. Here is an uninhabited island with beautiful beaches, a depth of about 8 feet of clear water to anchor. We are in a wilderness environment, we like good times but we love the most vibrant places. That is what we find in the Abacos, there is something for everyone ...

Monday we weighed anchor for us to move Great Sale Cay, dernière île inhabitée avant notre traversée. Une bonne pluie nous a accompagnée une partie de la navigation avec des vents de 20 nds mais le soleil s’est pointé après le diner et les vents ont baissé à 5-8 nds. Nous avons fait 34 mn avec un départ à 09:30 heures pour arriver au mouillage à 15:30 heures. Il y avait déjà une quinzaine de bateaux qui étaient ancrés prêt pour le départ pour les U.S .A. Nous écoutons une dernière fois la météo et c’est un go pour demain en fin d’avant-midi pour être ancrés à Memory Rock en début de soirée.

La prochaine fois que je reviens vous jaser ça, nous will probably be in Florida soon ... ... In

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pros Of Cons Timber Frame Buildings


Just before reaching the beach, we have full eyes with this lush vegetation.

Nothing better to think that this corner of wilderness beach.

Always the beautiful beach of Treasure Cay.

that extends ...

Until the peak in the background. The yellow umbrellas were closed all week due to wind.
small villa on the beach just as charming as ..

more opulent villas that we admire in our walks ... The majority of villas in the style of it.

A vegetation still spectacular.

There is even an evening drive-in near the beach.

The pool of the marina with the bar at the rear.

From the pool we had seen on the anchor. Very relaxing you can not find?
The bar is deserted by early afternoon, but fills in the evening.

luxury condos around the marina.

The best place to hang your feet: the pool bar.

By finishing the drink, at anchor, nothing can match the superb sunset.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Recover My Files 3.98


We leave tomorrow morning (Saturday) for the continuity of our trip we still a bit closer U.S. Even if we only do 15 minutes to get to Green Turtle Cay, we could not go with any weather. We need to make a sea trip of 2 minutes to go and take a passage called the Whale Cay Channel brings us back inside. This famous passage must be taken with very specific weather conditions: tide, wind is less than 10 knots, we need the time And it is quiet this morning that it happened. We're at least a dozen boats, Canadian and American, who expected the good weather to go.

We had a great week. We have benefited from the services of the marina, pool and showers. We put our bikes to the marina, all day, Yvon was his bike ride, the corner has no secrets for him. Richard Rigalio made some trips with my bike. I preferred to walk on the beach and fill my eyes with all these beautiful colors available to me. There had sun every day since Monday, but accompanied by strong winds, it has remained between 20 and 30 knots, so the evenings were much cooler. Nice walks, nice encounters, good food, good wines have occupied our week. And ... that life is beautiful!

Until next time ...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dune Buggies Plans Free


Our favorite for the beach in Treasure Island. A real postcard.

Yvon has found to his liking ..

The High School, nothing to do with Quebec.

Firs cotoient palms Man-O-War.

A Albury Brothers 23 which was under construction during our visit. This is the brand that is built in Man-O-War.

is the 23 feet that we saw under construction.

mold to build the boat

Street Man-O-War, only golf carts and wanderers.

Very beautiful flowers we found on this small island

Cactus for hundreds of small flower buds, very pretty.

Some Beach Bakers Bay on the island of Great Guana Cay.

The other part of the Bakers Bay beach where we are anchored.

Although installed after a long walk on one side of the ocean on the other see next photo ..

The luxury condos at the marina at Bakers Bay,

The infinity pool at the marina.

Part of the marina development at Bakers Bay.

Yvon goes fishing the sling.

Here he is in search of ... fish, crayfish, but no sharks if possible

immersed in what he sees.

Too small to be bitten ..

The bottom water contains a surprisingly rich.

Belle making Richard a Quenn Lion Fish, excellent dining.