Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ibuprofen And Heart Burn


After several weeks of pious silence return to the relationship of a life now properly installed in a routine.
Moreover, the month of September is conducive to returns, these beginnings annual and regular layers on the school agenda.
On reflection, I realize that's what I aspired to since I arrived in Thailand daily. The feeling that every day is an opportunity to make a new piece has an ordered structure, whose essential symmetry is guaranteed by a formal repetition of an organized life.
In a homogeneous universe, formed around the observance of established schedules a reasonable one-day errors are corrected the next day or next month, under the long extension cord that is routinely continuity.
Indeed, the period over which it exercises our schedules no longer appears as a succession of time units (days), but as an inclusive system or the day seems to last for one week, one month Five years even.
Considering that this is the design of a virtuous relationship of our time, when life seems endless and what we have done the day before, we can make a day that can be also well next week in a year.
This does not break this order what some perceive as a limit certainly has the freedom or the assurance of inevitable boredom. On the contrary, nothing seems to me healthier than spontaneously decide a change of time program, provided it does not prevent a return to what is undeniably a source of balance.
Finally, I will not make you forget the indignity of that routine in Mae Sot, a border town between Thailand and Burma, or subway is a word denoting exotic perhaps an astronomical reality, does not necessarily correspond to the train train Paris. However, getting up every day at the same time every morning and devote themselves to the same hygienic rituals are things we do together ...


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