Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lyrical Modern Dresses

Day 0 - Day 1: Meet with a specimen of the local folklore

Having just crossed the immigration service, we had the chance, nay, the honor! to meet a character typical of local folklore. Only after having discussed with our parents we learned that it was a particular individual in the land of morning calm but also began to spread in France. I changed my money before the cord exit and after my brother, so that when I joined, I did not understand that the typical person had already stuck, especially since he had seen earn foreign exchange. We had to take the bus, but I was told that after the bus he should take a taxi and I was just told that my brother "knew". However, he did not know and good, I played a little too con. Needless to compete in the allocation of the responsibility is shared, there is enough discussion in shouting match row to start the trip. In any case, the joker was good. What makes that is easily fallen into the trap of this madman (e Lé idiot he fell into the trap). We had was, trapped, ripped, rolled, pigeons, fuck, fucked, fuckers.

Now you're probably wondering what kind of crook we speak, and how to recognize it. Firstly to his aggressive marketing approach in a sub-continent where you do not look for the customer but where we stood in line to take the barge coming. Indeed, he grabbed the bag from my brother, forcing us à le suivre jusqu'au parking en sous-sol, ce qui est aussi un signe car les professionnels honnêtes travaillent dans la rue où se déverse le flux de gens sortant de l'aéroport. Deuxièmement, il n'a pas de signalisation intrinsèque au métier sur le toit, à ce moment là on aurait dû se barrer, mais on avait déjà le doigt dans l'engrenage, le bras devait suivre. Enfin, un faciès de rat qui joue l'hébétude quand on lui parle pour mieux nous mettre devant la réalité d'un compteur bidon qui n'arrête pas d'augmenter n'est peut-être pas tout à fait caractéristique, mais c'est un atout dans ce métier de faux taxi (je n'ai pas dit que les asiatiques had the faces of rats, no, it does, more than others, no no, that's not it hmm, no, I have more rats in my friends, no no, oops, shit, I plunge). The fact is that although the counter in affichât wuons 170.000, and we set n'acceptâmes wuons than 100,000 (about 70 euros) in a burst of pride, we dépensâmes more than ten times the price of a ticket bus. Over the beast

highway to 5 lanes between the airport and the capital, we could see a major failing of Korea, namely the excessive construction. Indeed, widening to 10 lanes were being built as well as roads perpendicular crossing it. Sometimes he missed the bridge, sometimes there was no road bridge. Brief. No wonder they build skyscrapers in the gaps that remain between two others trying to gain height so that the top floors have a horizon of more than 5 meters. Anyway ...

We ended up arriving in a luxury hotel where the box of my father price, nice room on the 23rd floor. We were to spend the morning. I restrained the toilet delux most complex of the whole trip: sliders temperature of the seat, temperature and strength of the jet water jet back buttons or before (not to be vulgar) and only time I saw a hot air dryer. I went swimming with my mother in the pool after wandering through the maze of lockers. I took a few laps in a pool small but not too much. Then I came across what they call there is a sauna, jacuzzi but collective. I just went back and removed because it had to be loilpé. For proportions, it is known, is the opposite of black night watchman, reassuring ... but hey he was elderly and I could see then that the young generation bodybuilée (cause or effect? or decoupled?) did not have to be complex.

Nous déjeunâmes sans mon père dans un truc familial. Juste une grosse soupe avec des pâtes, des légumes, des fruits de mer (toujours beaucoup de calamar). Epicé et chaud, une vraie torture. Mais goûtu. Comme de coutume, pour patienter avant que les plats soient servis, on nous offre en entrée diverses spécialités dans une demi-douzaine de petites assiettes. Je n'ai pas le souvenir qu'il y avait du fameux kimchi (coucou gonzolino), mais j'ai retenu les cubes de radis épicés mais pas trop, à moins que ce soit dû à la fraîcheur.

Après, toute la famille partit par le train à Busan, la deuxième ville du pays, puis en taxi jusqu'à l'appartement de mon père. J'étais épuisé, comateux dans le train et le taxi, je ne pus que constater que l'appart était tout à fait comme j'aime, je m'endormis presque instantanément, comme ça ça laisse quelques trucs à dire dans le post suivant.


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