Thursday, March 4, 2010

Product Dimension Amazon

04 March, George Town, Bahamas

It does not happen much in George Town, we are anxious to leave. Monday was held out of the week. We went to the show which opened on Beach Volley Ball, activity within the annual regatta which takes place this week. It seems it was more interesting last year. It's the people who built the boats that show. There were various activities organized, including a race between boaters''during'' la semaine.

Mardi, journée la plus chaude depuis longtemps, 28-29 degrés. Nous sommes allés à terre pour faire de l’internet mais ça n’a pas fonctionné. En passant, on est entré à l’épicerie pour quelques achats. Au Exuma Market, nous trouvons de tout, j’ai même acheté des pâtes pour faire une Won Ton soupe. Pour les prix, c’est de 20 à 40 % de plus que chez nous, dépendant des produits.
Mercredi, la vague nous a bercé un peu plus que l’on aurait souhaité. Commencé mardi soir, le vent NW a oscillé entre 25 et 30 nds, c’est ce qui était prévu et a continué tard mercredi soir. Nous passons Zenith on the day go into town because we would have ensured dinguy shower salt. We spend the day reading, playing cards, doing crossword mysteries, cooking and a little nap. We are also preparing for our next route back to the Abacos.

The last races are today, Thursday, we leave for Design Island tomorrow morning, Friday, there is a good weather window approaching. We will drive with boats and friends Rigalio Gusto Del Mar. We hope to make good catches at sea ...

We will not have internet for several days. Until we return, we wish a nice week off school and a beautiful late winter.


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