Contradicting the most optimistic prognosis of the veterinarian, Nash took almost two months after his great hemorrhage. He was spoiled, he was eating a steak every day, his health was deteriorating slowly. But last Sunday, he could not get up. It is unknown if the swollen belly that bothered him but I think it must be muscular atrophy in the legs as everywhere. Although paralyzed, the rest of my family was always against his euthanasia. Yet it was not very funny to see him lying in his feces, before being washed and that changes its "carpet" of cardboard and newspaper in the garage. Or so my family was willing to bury the sting but not incinerate. I was quite the contrary, I was not really for euthanasia but I had nothing against cremation.
I must say it is to dig the hole that bothered me the most. Anyway, Bruno, a painter friend of my mother who came from the other end of France to work with us has made a beautiful hole, we agreed to bury him after his natural death. With regulatory and lime please.
paralysis gradually spread and Thursday he was struggling to breathe. He died in the night and was laid to rest Friday morning. Apart from breathing difficulties, he showed no sign of suffering and from there he did not have time. It is believed that the atrophy of respiratory muscles is the cause of death.
There. It was quite a brave dog that I have forgiven her murder. He had the right to the cake - its indulgence - and chocolate for his last meal.
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