Sunday, December 13, 2009
Jc Penney Zipper Robes
Lord Christopher Monckton raises questions of demonstrators from Greenpeace ...
Looks like they do not even know why they are there! lol!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Programming Gml:15252034
Small nighter bimonthly (alas not bimonthly). After waiting for sleep by reading, listening to the radio, eat a little before starting again on TV for a change of atmosphere and then return to bed, read, damn it arrived at 5am, as do some computer. After
past 6 CDs compilations real disk format classified according couillusité, I was not satisfied, in addition I have over 100 new mp3 from this month, after toying with the idea of making a mp3 Tracks or more, came the solution: a _gros_ bestouffe on a USB key, since the chains or car radios there are more and more USB. Bimonthly for the song to HDJ, I can even put on a key 3-4 titles 64MB, it is convenient. There, after this post I will continue my work with in the ears a little playlist with Indochina Loop, The Fray, Black Eyed Peas and especially with the title Lady GaGa Paparazzi I had in mind all day. We do not laugh. The main problem is: "Is it reads in the subfolders? Or even in my virtual drives like modern key which is a little pain in the ass?"
side reading, I liked the first tetralogy Ender The first is fun with a young boy who must (be) use his gifts and everything. The second is cool, good freelance writer or be at the very end, a lot of emotion. The next two most intellectual but not bad. I already purchased three of the following but I expect the output of the fourth before I start. I think the volume will be released before Before and after there will be but one of the two is a collection of stories where we find the volume "1.5".
Dirk Gently of Doug was really cool, and finally the first and third, just under the second. Too bad there is so little which is the third Unfinished remember, he walked away, but all other messages that come to fill the evils are not so either.
I also read two Amelie Nothomb . Journal d'Hirondelle , the story of a lonely hitman fan of Radiohead, but not the rock group, the electro-what-you-want. And Robert proper names who speaks of classical dance. Here you are shown because the back cover does not know.
Perfume I liked too, was a gap, a hole in my culture, I was hanging out for a while, thank you for pushing me Mélisande to fill (tutut.). Besides, after finishing my current book, I read his second board The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night , a neighborhood police investigation recounted in the diary of a young autistic boy. After
Perfume during my monthly compulsive shopping (eh last Pratchett was out, although I have not yet read the previous or The people of carpet , rewrote his first novel), j I found in good condition The world of non-A that was on my list then, hop, bought, read, and bought on Amazon the following two of the trilogy. It's old SF post-war, which has been very successful in France because of the translation of Boris Vian. It's about a guy who realizes that his entire memory is wrong and trying to see what he will do when lot of people trying to "intercept" because they are afraid of its mysterious powers secret. In fact non-A has a branch of semantics that the author is the disciple. This means non-Aristotelian, ie "The image of a thing is not the thing, the plan is not the territory, this is not a pipe, the memories are only subjective data, Neo Free Your Mind! ". Normally you should also be non-Newtonian and non-Euclidean but is mentioned only once. Basically it supermen who, thanks to the net can have their healthy nervous system, may, because of the complex cortico-thalamic, unlike the poor people dominated by their emotions or worse immature or crazy people, giving them as muscle strength and reflexes, non-A being elected and getting together on Venus in a utopian democracy, which will be threatened with invasion by a neighboring galactic empire. In fact it is mostly a story of action, each chapter there is a bounce and there are 35 chapters. The second I read this line continues and after the book recommended by Meli, as I said, I will finish the trilogy.
Between the two first books I read The watchmen of fire Connie Willis I had to purchase. It is a collection of twelve new. The first, eponymous, is in the vein of the novels of time travel by historians. Almost as intense emotionally The Ledger . There's more good news, there are bizarre but interesting and others a little bland, but hey I'm not disappointed.
And after finishing the trilogy non-A, I must succeed to read before Christmas Extremes of Christopher Priest to know what it is worth. I touched the world by invert is good but a little weird, so maybe it is better to start with this author. He also wrote The prestige less SF, brought to film by the brothers Nolan, which is quite excellent in its kind. I must read faster to choose the best of what Santa Claus (hohoho) will bring me this year.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Kate Playground Stcking
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Pituitary Gland, Headache
I often hear say that large conspiracies can not exist because there would be too many people know the truth, someone would speak!
This is a fine example of "not necessarily" ...
The Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia is a world center for research on climate change, affiliated to the UN. In recent days, there was a leak of documents and emails that went on the internet ( click here to download ) the director has admitted that the center has been hacked .
Emails suggest hiding the lower temperatures, others try to control the magazines that publish tanks, modify data, etc.. In addition, there are emails to other universities that demonstrate the conspiracy.
Governments and the media tell us that there is global warming caused by man, figures from the UN! Except that the UN figures and are from this university!
Climategate: The Final Nail In The Coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?
Breaking News Story: Apparently CRU has Been hacked - Hundreds of files released
The CRU hack
Do hacked e-mails show global-warming fraud?
UK climate unit's emails hacked
Leaked emails fuel climate skeptic
The global warming scandal of the Century Andrew Bolt
: Warmist Conspiracy Exposed?
See also List of effects caused by global warming .
Friday, November 6, 2009
Non Corny Thank You Notes
It's been a few days I am what happens in Ukraine, there are more and more sick and they do not have symptoms of H1N1. Today the number of patients was 871.037!

I remember in August when the blogs were talking about Joseph Moshe, who is a microbiologist working for the Mossad and would have said the company in Ukraine Baxter produced a biological weapon disguised as a vaccine. Is that what happens now?
I talked to Fred November 3, when the government decided to close schools for three weeks, his girlfriend lives in Kiev! He said
media guy fooling around ....
Faque what is happening there? There is the blocking which is dedicated to the pandemic, since three days it grew much!
H Pylori Time To Heal
Contradicting the most optimistic prognosis of the veterinarian, Nash took almost two months after his great hemorrhage. He was spoiled, he was eating a steak every day, his health was deteriorating slowly. But last Sunday, he could not get up. It is unknown if the swollen belly that bothered him but I think it must be muscular atrophy in the legs as everywhere. Although paralyzed, the rest of my family was always against his euthanasia. Yet it was not very funny to see him lying in his feces, before being washed and that changes its "carpet" of cardboard and newspaper in the garage. Or so my family was willing to bury the sting but not incinerate. I was quite the contrary, I was not really for euthanasia but I had nothing against cremation.
I must say it is to dig the hole that bothered me the most. Anyway, Bruno, a painter friend of my mother who came from the other end of France to work with us has made a beautiful hole, we agreed to bury him after his natural death. With regulatory and lime please.
paralysis gradually spread and Thursday he was struggling to breathe. He died in the night and was laid to rest Friday morning. Apart from breathing difficulties, he showed no sign of suffering and from there he did not have time. It is believed that the atrophy of respiratory muscles is the cause of death.
There. It was quite a brave dog that I have forgiven her murder. He had the right to the cake - its indulgence - and chocolate for his last meal.
Friday, October 30, 2009
How To Wash Killtec Level 5
Afghanistan was invaded by U.S. forces in October 2001.
The official reason was of course the U.S. wanted Osama bin Laden , and the Taliban did not want to give, then they attacked.
Except ...
- One of the senior members of the committee on the official investigation contradicted the official silent
- Bin Laden worked for the CIA until September 11, 2001
- The United States had planned to invade Afghanistan before September 11, 2001
- the Taliban banned the cultivation of opium before 2001
- Today heroin is more flourishing than ever, 40 times more productive than in 2001
- resignation of a senior U.S. government official based on how the war is done and especially its goal
- We learn that the brother of President Karzai, who is suspected of having an active role in the trafficking of Opium is paid by the CIA for 8 years !
So is what we're really in Afghanistan to counter terrorism, or is it that there would be other reasons?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Watch Family Guy Free Online From An Ipod Touch
For thousands of years man has gone through several flu and survived. Our immune system is designed to defend against malicious microbes that attack us.

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Ovarian Cyst Light Spotting
La Suède est le premier pays d'Europe qui a commencé à vacciner sa population. Cette semaine il y a eu 190 infirmières qui se sont fait hospitaliser quelques heures après leurs injections.
Aujourd'hui on apprend qu'il y a 4 morts suite au vaccin dans ce pays!! J'espère qu'il n'y aura pas une pandémie de malade and death from the vaccine!
In fact, there are two types of vaccine, with mercury (thiomersal ) creates neurological disorders such as autism and squalene which is linked to the syndrome of the Gulf War, while the other does not contain these products. The latter will be given to pregnant women and heads of state , while the first the rest of the population.

Friday, October 23, 2009
Movies Cervix Menstruation
Sunday, September 13, 2009
What Does Pa Drivers License Look Like?
down tonight to visit the dogs, I found the floor covered with drops of blood, and even outright puddles. The blood is unique that its color is panic. My first instinct was to know which dog it came from and where the blood had flowed. As I expected it was Nash (the Shepherd Beauceron) who had rectal bleeding. Why I was expecting? Parce qu'à notre retour de vacances, on l'a trouvé très amaigri, squelettique même, mais on a négligemment pensé qu'il s'agissait d'une forme de dépression dûe à notre absence. Même si je taisais ce que je craignais, je ne le pensais pas moins, et peut-être mes parents aussi.
Après avoir été sur tous les répondeurs des vétérinaires pour trouver celui de garde, qui avait seulement son portable d'urgence car il accouchait une vache, j'ai pu obtenir une entrevue vers 22h. Dès qu'il a vu la maigreur du chien, il s'est exclamé que c'était qqch de grave. En quelques palpements, il a trouvé une masse dans le ventre qui expliquait le saignement. Worse, Nash had a tumor in the tail of the size of a large egg that we had not even seen! Tumor in the anus, lump in the abdomen, cancer equal to the innocent. He could see the blood vessels all white under the eye that was bleeding so heavy that I assured him.
Verdict, the dog was dying slowly in less than a week. Maybe not even in pain because the bleeding was going to tire and make it insensitive. To say that a veterinarian had diagnosed a heart problem that would kill him within a year or two. Really it all breaks down slowly in the dog. If anything he was going to die tonight, and I would bury more than I, who have worked so hard to bury the cat, which was dug up horribly (by the same dog. At worst, I dig it right this time and fox terrier should not feel like digging up Nash.
But I do not really want to do that. I await the response from my parents for permission to do euthanize and incinerate. He had feel dead when I made him climb the stairs of Veterinary and braked the four irons. Perhaps he was reassured to come out, but tomorrow I will make my farewells solitary (as Octarine) I hope he does not panic not until the fatal shot, he does not cry, but it is so old and tired. Poor doggie. Farewell, we all loved you despite what you did to the cat.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Women Chest Sitting Men
Today I slept deliciously late dreaming of cool stuff (since I did not HDJ Thursday morning). I did 2h mystery plays (and it was cool). I did pierce my seat and inject a dose of product. I interacted a quarter of an hour with my therapist. I heard something cool on the radio that I do not know. I revised 2h math. Under the dialog msn I clicked on a link that directed me on a ringtone download site and it was the music I heard on the radio. I was able to identify the song "Love Story" Taylor Swift. I saw the clip (its physical height of his voice did not disappoint me). I started the download. I went to the cinema to see "Up there" because even the Lolo and saw that I was finally convinced by a critic in Here (argh!) Read in the waiting room of the psychiatrist. I feared that the grumpy old does not m'émeuve but this was not the old bachelor as I imagined, his childhood love of a woman makes it nice and even the big Scout is not too annoying.
And now I listen to Taylor Swift blogging loop before going to bed and read a little "drawer Fund" by Douglas Adams (actually I read the beginning because I cracked a little, but I hope to arrive soon Salmon of doubt, unfinished novel, the third installment of Dirk Gently - holistic detective on the cover can be seen as described grabbing a salmon from his drawer ;-)) and a bit of "Xenocide", 3rd Ender, I reread the first 2 because I cracked a bit and then I lost appetite, yet he will continue with the 4th before reading the board Melisande: "Perfume" by Suskind.
There. A busy day emotions. Of all kinds. An ordinary day. I do not know.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Bleeding When I Brush My Tongue
sentimental passion, boredom, rip
Heart anesthetized
Use As Snowboarding Rail
the candle at both ends
Ashes fast cold
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Inside Car Parts Name
Three weeks passed, three times riding. The first time for ptite demo, after a little minor incident that paralyzed its development, it was us. Dressed as musketeers, we tried to reproduce the sequence we had repeated. I Noah on before, I had problems because he could not stand the sound was just too strong and that had pissed for hours. As I do with my horse, I do not really remember what we did, but we could do what was almost in any case we received congratulations from the difficulty of handling horses we overcame. I have not seen too much what others were behind, last I remember it wrong and yet he had observed. It made me a bit like the blackout of certain examinations. Finally ... Jonathan had to follow behind on Luga, Mohammed would have followed on Loustic but he suffered a severe asthma attack because three weeks later he is still in hospital on oxygen after passing through the box resuscitation, we certainly hope all his speedy recovery to the HDJ. Ensued and John Bruno Rezeda perched high on Quanelle.
The following week, we had our meeting "normal" horse therapy. To change we went on a picnic with the carriage hitched to two horses with a solid Franc-Comtois breed of horse that is local still have a reputation at least national. It was much cooler than usual, even if we love the challenge that we really liked I think. We ate in a shack where posters of fighters dead boars (T_T) which is placed next to those of a foot pin-ups, game of another kind of hunting.
Two days later, we had a meal at the end of the year (school). I was one of the main dish cooks, a moussaka (whose attack is huge) set for 26 people but only 18 came, there was rab for the next day, not to mention the enormous amount of fruit salad which hardly anybody had enough appetite to take on the same day ... Story of a killing: take a camcorder which we want to show the demo horse therapy, calon band, forget to give links, forget oblivion, another event occurs filmable. And suddenly it's the drama. You understood, our part of the demo was cleared by the film of the meal. These things happen.
And today, as we were only 3 patients even with Jean-Pierre replacing Mohammed, we made a trip with my two nurses and referent Danièle Sylvie who could ride a horse too. A wild ride in the forest, with fairly steep climbs, descents, tree branches as the predecessor tends to be the best that collects in the face, and even Finally a few meters into the river beside the stable, with water almost over boots.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Eurosport Elliptical Trainer Reviews
Never again. Never again. Edit: luckily it was arranged ...
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Full Blood Test Can Show Signs Of Hiv
Some news in bulk. In any HDJ still be okay even if I'm not quite hard. There was the drama, an anthology of stories, where I played several roles as extras. Otherwise we shall soon have the demo riding too.
For studies, I encounter administrative difficulties to register college info in mail so I do not know what the future holds. Perhaps studies CAPES then become independent and continue studies in parallel with an active lifestyle.
A novelty too, I give a few hours of tutoring at home in Math, it's pretty nice as experience. I have a student who is a policeman and wants to move competition to become noncommissioned officer. He volunteered to understand, and the last time I stayed for almost 1 hour to discuss life, the universe, and everything else. I will be meeting next Tuesday the second student is a terminal S which was not air causing the phone, I hope it will go with him as well as with the other ...
Otherwise, I'm flirting with a young offender ptite first made me laugh too much so that IRC was the only person who interested me, after a few months, I asked her msn, like that for nothing, for everything, and since we speak for hours every day. A rise in accordance with drag quantum me at first did not create feelings, and force mount ... Decoherence will not pose the usual problems because I am a master but attention to cognitive dissonance. Finally I swear, it's the last time I will do this kind of thing. I actually already stopped IRC. If I make no info, the computer will be open for email and internet, and I'm stingy with my time "working for real," do "sport", and everything.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Gay Cruise Spot Atnc Central
Obama at the very least has a hut in the Bahamas. I hope you did not think whether I have anything to do (case?) Policy, no crisis or anything.
I just wanted to say that the site begins to take shape, despite the home page is missing, but it is full of dead links, it's boring. I added a little "article" on expressions misused. It is located in the various . Happy reading, and still no bug detected on the sudoku by testers, they must work hard. ^ _ ^
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Discharge Just Before Period
Yo, I announce as planned progressive displacement of my site, since to, as and as I add new stuff because the old site is still there (yet?).
So I finished reworking everything was not perfect in my code (on my page caml ), and it's nice to realize progress and we made about 2 ans.
Le sudoku est celui qui a connu les changements les plus visibles, apparence plus sexy, paramètre réglable, code source plus beau, affichage de toutes les solutions, algorithmes de résolution bouclant complètement sur un niveau de raisonnement et pouvant revenir en arrière.
Je vais sans doute me mettre à réviser pour la rentrée prochaine, voir si c'est possible avec l'hdj à mi-temps, donc les projets informatiques vont pas être aussi assidus maintenant, j'ai le "coding blues", enfin nan mais j'aurais sans doute peu de temps, et je dois m'efforcer de faire un minimum de sport, allez osef.
Rappel des titres de ce soir : nouveau sudoku dispo sur the new page.
Good evening.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Contact No. Of Noma Programmable Thermostat
Today we made a racket ball out of Alsace. On? Sylvie, Nathalie, Fabrizio, Sandrine Philippe, Bruno, Nicolas, Jonathan and me. All day, less travel time and meals, which is 2:30, we walked on a special tour on snowshoes.
6 km walk on untrodden snow panting in the fresh air. It was quite nice. Not too tiring thanks to the many stops due to a heaving. It happened to qqun every 5 minutes, but as it happened to everybody, those who did not stop to help, shoes and eventually everyone found more or less together. But towards the end, with fatigue, decreased stops and the gradient strong enough, it was very tired.
We did not know whether it was better with the heel free, in powder or groomed on the course, but in any case, one thing was certain and the joke was repeated throughout the day, were measured every the importance of planting stick-_-
So now, one day very nice, long, intense, with good fatigue and comfort of a blueberry pie, leaving little time to do something at home in falling just time blogger and I'm going to bed right after.
I will talk another day, change the url of my web page following a change of accommodation. Later in the agenda of improved sudoku I expect to finish before uploading for good ...