Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How To Program Gm L:15252034

I will not apologize over what I write

After eight months the other end of the world, I see how extensive correspondence is difficult to maintain.

I see the discomfort that we may have against the distance, the suspicion that whatever is said, it is next door. That we can not be fair, to say what the other expects of us.

I am aware that we live in a world where the media have plus rien a voir avec ceux du long siecle dernier. Que le courrier traditionnel n’a plus qu’un role quasi folklorique, en ce qu’il correspond aux annonces publiques des evenements qui rythment l’existence d’un homme, d’une famille, d’un groupe ou d’un ensemble. Enfin, que l’on ne s’ecrit plus pour s’epancher en de longues lettres langoureuses.
Bien que l’on puisse considerer que le courrier electronique contribue a une renaissance des liens e-pistolaires, et que les messageries instantanees paraissent un pendant aux billets et pneumatiques que nos parents connurent, il semblerait que le temps que l’on accordait alors a son interlocuteur se limite aujourd’hui A few forms of politeness and the evocation of practical details, dealing with future meetings.

time that we took was back on itself to share the highlights or not, our daily lives, with his / her focal point (s) decreased by as much as the speed of message transfer since the advent canvas.

Should we see a fault of questioning, or even more simply, directory of things in life. Perhaps a risk of losing too fast a memory whose value is lower in countries instantaneous. Besides for the memories, there will always be the pictures.
Or is it that has found a new effusion mode of expression in the writing of blogs. A clever compromise between intimacy and exhibition, and distribution exclusivity, the language of my way to the world. Finally the opportunity to offer to all, and inexpensively, so that I am me. This is especially

to understand that we all need interlocutors. We can not assume, only the weight of the world.
, being heard without forcing the other / the others (are). Share feelings and emotions. The taste of a novel or a culture. That of a film or an idea, a piece of cloth or a pile of stones. Look in the other a guarantee that it is very apparent, and it is human like us.


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