My stay allowed me to better understand where children Karen, with whom I share my life for over six months.
They are 13 to come to the village and surrounding area
Annrak, Annuporn M, M Buanapha, Chutima F, F Kanika, Mittchai F, M Nuntikan, Pramote F, M Preawpan, Suchat F, M Supap, M Worachit, Yolada M and F (the letter following the comma denotes the sex).
During my stay over there, I was greeted at Worachit in a charming small shack, built entirely of wood, or reign off without a friendly atmosphere.
In fact, whenever I went there, sat a round meeting in the main room. They were discussing rolling tobacco grown in the village, in sheets I do not know what tree, smoking, sometimes from a glass of rice wine, "ossi" in prakenyan (the language spoken by a subdivision of the tribe Karen, Karen and incidentally all the region where I live).
A slight wooden partition separates the room with parents in the main room, which serves as both kitchen living room, bedroom, guest room, dining room, or bathroom. Everything is open on the piece of land that the family shares with another, of which there are housing about twenty meters.
Worachit n’est pas le seul a avoir un invite. Son grand frère a convie des amis a venir passer les fêtes avec nous, et nous sommes huit a installer nos couches dans un bout du salon, sous l’autel dédié au Christ, une fois venu le moment de dormir.
Les toilettes sont a l’extérieur. Une cabane isolée en contrebas qu’il vaut mieux savoir situer avant de s’aventurer en pleine nuit.
Il a fait froid durant la nuit du 30, et je me réveille très tôt, grelottant sous mes trois couvertures. Après un court moment de répit que le sommeil m’accorde, engloutissant a nouveau la sensation de froid qui m’assaille, je me lève pour me trouver nez a nez avec un énorme pig we will share with family. Behind the animal, I use a basin sink to wash my teeth and face.
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