The cost of living / * Item in progress * /
How much money does it take to live in Bangalore? The cost of living is interesting for a student? Was a good purchasing power? Can you buy a house for 100 € in India? But where is Ornicar? When there is inflation? What budget should I plan to live there? What's worth to be purchased before returning to France? Que faut-il acheter avant de partir sous peine de subir une vendetta de la part de son banquier ?
Toutes ces question et bien d’autres encore trouveront des réponses dans les lignes qui suivent. J’espère que vous y trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour évaluer le niveau de vie que vous pourriez vous offrir en venant à Bangalore.
Disclaimer : Nous somme le 16 Janvier 2008 et tous les prix que je donne correspondent a cette date. Comme vous aller le voir plus loin les prix augmentent vite en Inde et il se peut que vous deviez revoir votre budget a la hausse si vous lisez cet article ne serait-ce qu’un an après. De plus ce sont ceux que j’ai noté Bangalore, the second most expensive city in India after Mumbai. If only the rent you can easily divide the price by two other cities (even 6 million as Chennai). Needless to say, branded goods does not change by cons rate by region.
All that to say that the indications are for informational purposes only although checked with my own eyes.
Note: This site is a veritable ode to the spelling mistakes but do not blame me for writing 2 euro without "s". European conventions made this word unchanged since many EU countries do not use a plural "s". The Rupee
The single currency across the country is the Indian Rupee INR currency symbol.
As for the dollar amounts are noted with the abbreviation of the currency front, example: Rs.800.
cents are called paisas but will not risk using it often.
As of today a euro is worth a little over 58 rupees. You can follow the exchange rate on . If you want the changes you can make in airports, malls and other tourist sites. But the best solution is to do with a colleague who often goes to France. My tailor who travels in Europe I was also offered to take me back to euros at no cost.
Do not think in euro
When we arrived in India spends his time mentally convert euro prices (sometimes even in France) but we must banish the habit. It is interesting to come to India for low cost of living, do not judge prices by drawing a parallel with France. Necessarily all will seem cheaper and you'll have. I see lots of foreigners who think like that, "Anyway it is only 2 €" and spend twice as much money they should. If the controller vendor-of-bus tickets do not make your 2 rupees on a ticket of 10, you say he does not have to be dishonest. Of course these are only 0035 euro but it is a matter of principle and give them more of a kid to do everything in restaurants.
Exception must be made for the items you want to return to France. Here of course, do not hesitate to compare prices.
to negotiate with your firm. Otherwise it is very variable depending on time of year and the airline. The range est comprise entre 550 et 1100€
Visa :
Le visa pour l’Inde coute 60 € depuis la France. Vous trouverez absolument toutes les informations sur les visas tourisme, étudiant, business et autre cartes PIO ou OCI dans ce précédent post.
Logement : /* A venir */
Restauration : /* A venir */
Faire ses courses : /* A venir */
Transport : Je vous renvoi encore vers un de mes précédents articles pour tout savoir sur les moyens de locomotion a Bangalore et leurs tarifs. Si je devais make a total I would say that wanting to enjoy the city takes between 20 and 60 € a month to move in your ability to prefer the bus to rickshaws.
Clothing: / * * Coming /
India is one of those many countries that makes you realize that the pricing policy of the three French mobile operators akin to racketeering. Here there is no agreement on the size and the salt tax which will carry the pigeons subscribers since the market is highly competitive with Airtel and Hutch (now Vodafone into the fold) in mind. Staying less than a year I have not took one of the many proposed benefits package but a single rechargeable card valid for 12 months + option to Rs.80 (1.4 €) for the same price to all states and not just Karnataka. Then I buy refills Rs.333 (5.7 €) available in all the tiny grocery store that can be found every 100 meters. And Rs.333, it is not complicated, I have a credit of 333 minutes. Yes yes you read correctly, over the phone for 5:30 under 6 €. If you have lots of friends in India, go for a package that will bring to 10 paisas per minute is just over 10 cents an hour!
I said all along that the telephone infrastructure is excellent in all respects. I've never been in default coverage of the city, the voice quality or network availability. The only problems occur in open country when I travel between Bangalore and Chennai but nothing prohibitive for everyday life.
You've read the last paragraph? Bon bah is the opposite for the internet. The 1Meg happens just for 50 € a month, the lines cut across time and tenders Triplay remain the stuff of science fiction and not as a troublemaker Free to stabilize the market. A real shame for a country who is running for the # 1 Global IT and ICT.
Computer and Hi-teck products:
Contrary to popular belief it's less cheap than in France. Not much but buy your laptop or external hard drive in France you will not find better here. For products of large brands in world prices are applied and therefore there is no real difference. However, playing around with the exchange rate and the margin of the seller you may be able to have 10-15% discount on a phone or digital camera. Nice but nothing extraordinary.
A liter is a 1 € pile. It is not much cheaper than France and that poses many problems for development. But when one is at the head of a government that shows 9% growth can afford to squander billions to pay the difference to suppliers to keep a liter below the $ 1 50.
Alcohol and cigarettes:
I'm not fond of beer but I saw that the 2L jug of beer in a pub deemed to pay Rs.200 (1.7 €). For great cocktails in a luxurious restaurant it will cost you only Rs.100 (1.5 €). I do not smoke but colleagues from Business Objects told me it was cheap, less than 1 €. By cons I know nothing about brands of tobacco but they told me it was everything. For bide needless to say that the price is almost nil: Rs.7 Package.
Travel: (private fluff inside)
After your last tuition EPITA and thousands of hours in DM, the internship is also a way to forget gcc and made Sunday afternoon. The best solution remains the weekends at the sea in Kerala or Tamil Nadu (less beautiful beaches anyway). For a round trip by bus berth conditioning more comfortable than the SM14-r4p2 it will cost you € 16 on or . Onsite life is two times cheaper than Bangalore and you'll have time to think about your friends in TIG feet in the water. Guaranteed 100% compliant SUSv3 NO.
a Budget:
Well now that you know the prices, trying to make a budget to live successfully in Bangalore. The superfluous people varies enormously so it will be to provide more. This is not what I spent, it that would advise anyone who would like to come do his internship at B'lore.
Renting a nice 3-room apartment with a roommate with two other people: 150 €
Business Dining at noon in the house at night but still 3 restaurants per week: 80 €
Two solid hours of phone per month: 2 €
Internet (vital for a geek) divided between the 3 roommates: 15 €
Using the bus company over many alternate exits bus / rickshaw: 35 €
So that's € 300 per month need to live in Bangalore. Le minimum légal d’un stage étant de 378€ vous pouvez envisager un stage en Inde sans perdre d’argent. Avec un peu de négociation vous pourrez peut-être avoir 600€ ce qui vous permettrais de vous payer des week-ends à la plage deux fois par mois, de ne manger qu’au restaurant, de faire du shopping… Je ne parle même pas des stagiaires EPITA de fin d’études avec leurs salaires insolents qui n’auront même pas à prévoir de budget.
Vous voici désormais armé pour préparer un budget. Si vous voulez connaitre les tarifs d’autres produits laissez un commentaire ou écrivez moi, moi email est disponible dans mon profil in the right menu.