Thursday, December 4, 2008

How To Use A Prepaid Account On A Sidekick Lx 09

The brilliance of the moon is intense

As the bud on the branch.

New content on my page, a small redesign critics, take a walk ... It's not too full but there is always 5 new small reviews of books.

News: the routine of the day hospital with still a large part in the Christmas play, I must getting better, I'm not yet ready but it comes more and more. I had moments where I can not get up, it's probably due to a routinization of daily life but I manage to fight, not so much that I have more courage, but was removed one of the drugs I took ...

I hope that all readers are well and maybe I blogging more often because I am trying to write a little every day for my email novelization of madness long ago, so I write a little every day, but for the blog bof, because the newspaper is boring anyway, but not in the sense depressing. @ +

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Find Pinky Adult Film Star

London Without Enough salt

Back from London, a week's vacation fun. First time I went, only one day of rain, two of warm weather and still cloudy.

structures and facilities: the hotel has several levels of scam, and it was housed in the basement the first night, not even with street view, but in a well of 4 floors. Following the express request a room change, but we got the 4th one right next to the elevators. One room still significantly better, so we grew accustomed to the hum of the machine. For cons the shower faucet with its temperature / pressure was not two in one drôle tous les jours, dur choix entre un mince filet d'eau à la bonne température ou de l'eau trop chaude à bonne pression...

The tube : pas évident de comprendre dès le début que le sens d'une ligne est indiquée par un point cardinal, par exemple "eastbound". Et le changement à Earl's court qui peut partir dans les 4 directions pour une ligne et deux supplémentaires pour une autre, nous donna dès le départ le plus dur des challenges à surmonter. Grave défaut de conception où on peut voir des efforts récents pour faire comme à Paris : les couloirs ne sont pas à sens unique et ça fout pas mal le bordel quand il faut se croiser.

De toutes ways to see the city, nothing like the double-decker bus. Not easy to understand their card system and stops without reporting significant other, hard to count if there is no voice or on a screen. But by dint we end up having the habit. Although when you know which bus he should take and how high up, you still have to search through all the streets off to find pleasing.

traffic: long straight lines turn red at the same time, the circulation is cut and there is room for cars coming from a perpendicular to join the queue, it's a simple way to manage, but that that is what se prend comme feux... Par contre le démarrage est rendu fluide par l'allumage des feux rouge et orange en même temps avant le vert. Tout le monde démarre et freine sec. Les passants se faufilent sous les klaxons.

Le premier après-midi fut assez tendu pour trouver l'hôtel et mon frère mais dans la soirée on put découvrir Oxford street (surtout des fringues, rien de bien intéressant pour moi), errer un peu dans Soho pour aboutir à Picadilly circus. Les sentiers battus quoi, comme pour le reste de la semaine. Le lendemain sous la pluie, on visita le parlement à Westminster avec Big Ben, et la grande roue appellée "The eye of London" de l'autre côté du pont où on ne trouva jamais the opportunity to climb. Then Tower Bridge and the Castle. Then other days, other places, other buildings, including major museums. A lot of walking. Photos to come ...

As emiboot noticed among many French, Pakistani, Chinese, residents and tourists, the Londoner is distinguished by the English port of the mini-skirt, whatever the season. But of all the people I stared at, only two I liked, so I would become more difficult I think, a little blonde from who knows where, I think French, and a little Asian girl, presumably resident.

Goodies: discworld map, map of Ankh-Morpork, Lancre tourist guide, a mug, and the last Oasis.

Trivia: The worst moment was not during one of many disputes that make me say that every time it's the last time I go on vacation with your family, but when my mother sympathized with a French resident in the bus explained how he had to take correspondence to arrive safely, and I was obliged to pretend to believe it when I knew full well he was wrong. Lost even walk the middle of nowhere in the rain was less frustrating.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Making Music Note Bracelets

Aside from the great joy that I experienced, it seems to me it was my duty to inform you of the revival of Kanika.

After five days, she opened her eyes, stood, sat in his bed and ate without hoses.

Now she understands everything she says, gets up and running, but still in silence.

Doctors do not know if it will last and do not exclude a possible relapse.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Canon Mp530 Clogged Print Head

Achevement fulfilled, hope

Almost eleven months earlier,
A sunny late morning in early June. Sheets placed on the lawn of the Champ de Mars. Cheese, fruit and wine. Sausage too, a guitar and a score of young men came to me expressing their affection at the dawn of my departure for Thailand.
Tomorrow, in a few days, a new beginning. A return also, and the impression of a cycle. Sticky rice dipped coconut and papaya salad have nothing to do with the cheese and wine that they convey the cultural identity respectively.
friends are, who are not like others, do not have the blond hair or brown, or light eyes, and do not speak the same language. Those
I left a year ago, I knew them again later. Those, who welcomed me with such grace that accepts me and held me instead of brothers and sisters, friends, I have no certainty as to a next time.

I am especially aware that a student has been fighting for four days now waking up from a coma in which the dive was a drop in motorcycle. Four days without opening his eyes. And relatives who watch every second of eyebrow movement. And others who are looking to her bedside and her intimately to finally lifted, "to be strong and not let go." And the meager knowledge we have of the coma, from movies, magazines, urban legends and hearsay - it can last for twenty-four hours as many years - the uncertainty. Shall we meet? You're alive
Kanika, by my side, but you did not realize myself. Or maybe yes, but I do not know.
the evening we pray together. And I like to think that thirty prayer with faith we entrust to the Virgin Mary reached her goal. And I only understand that I am not strong enough.
Do not be afraid to have a thought for her. Not the kind which agrees with parsimony find it horrible, a young boy of fifteen with the whole future ahead of her. Rather those that are in common hope, who believe in his luck in life. The

shall I see people I do not hesitate to consider them as brothers, which gives me more love than I did receive?
In fact I do not think we can prevent the pleasure of finding ourselves. I already dream of studying that will guide tourism in Chiang Mai, Tak pharmacy and English in Australia.
I dream that young people from hill tribes become men and women of the twenty-first century, that modernity is not a flaw, but a means. Kanika
I dream that invites me to her wedding and be proud of tomorrow, as I am today, having had the honor of sharing their lives.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Arkadiusz Jamróz Zpue Gliwice

Burmese Ways

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pinta Ship With Labeled

Hungry Bangalore

Article ongoing

Message from March 25: And not the blog is not dead many items arrive.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Itchy Breasts With Broken Capillaries

Article on Tawitchailand for the journal Foreign Missions of Paris

Tawitchailand, an educational center in Mae Sot, crossroads of civilizations.

It shows all the faces atypical, marked with a thick paste cosmetic white or yellow. Neither truly Indian nor wholly Chinese or Tibetan, where we already contemplates the geography of Myanmar. There are hundreds to cross the border each day since Myawadii to procure consumer goods at lower prices. Some farangs
* populate the terraces of the restaurants more comfortable, reminiscent of a settlement which has never yet held in the Kingdom of Siam. There are twenty-first century adventurers, mercenaries aid flowing in large air-conditioned 4x4, providing care and financial support, and deciding who will join the host country for refugees.
In the main street after lunch, the cobblestones crawling with Indians, Burmese and Chinese longyi, s'haranguant the front stalls stones, precious and less precious.
Next to TESCO **, east of the city, there are Thai schoolchildren to their beige and white uniform. Perhaps truant.
Behind them, a mong family, whose members are dressed in beautiful black velvet embroidered pajamas, moves languidly toward the market, perhaps unaware that their ancestors formed un jour le peuple le plus influent de ce coin de l’Asie.
Des karens débarquent de l’arrière d’un pick-up en tunique traditionnelle, avec jean. Les femmes aux gencives rougies par le bétel fument d’impressionnants cigares. Il sont venus acheter du matériel agricole.
Plus loin, de jeunes enfants birmans houspillent des touristes pour une poignée de bahts. Ils sont d’apparence indienne ou bengali et habitent un genre de bidon-ville en périphérie, à Tawitchailand.

Cela fait maintenant trois ans que Sister Joy, supérieure philippine des filles de la Charité de Saint Vincent de Paul à Mae Sot, côtoie la communauté Muslim Tawitchailand. She founded a Learning Center which hosts *** twenty full-time students.
Originally it was a Saturday school, where children learned to speak Thai and English. But at the refusal of many schools to accommodate children considered too wild, Sister Joy decided in agreement with the families, the Learning Center to open weekdays in order to make a fully fledged school.
Located in an old barn rented by the month, wooden benches to serve as desks, students sit in front of which the pit. A professor originally from Rangoon to dispense daily elementary education in Burmese, and we continue, Maney, Ruby and me to come on Saturday morning to teach the basics of Thai and some English.

Maney comes from a village near Mae Sot, and Ruby is from Pathein in Burma, where his parents still are. They are both Karen and work as volunteers at the Daughters of Charity. On weekdays, they are caring for a child care center that welcomes children of Burmese workers working in Thailand.
Typically, Maney and I share the some fifty students the weekend in two groups. Ruby's helping us both to bring order and translate what we can not make children. It most often begins with the oldest (7 to 13 years), having them recite the alphabet thai, while with small (4 to 8 years), we sing nursery rhymes in the first half of the morning. After which we share, not before being distributed snack time for recreation.

For most children are undernourished, and some even suffer from deficiencies more specific. Twice a year, Sister Joy arranges visits medical Tawitchailand, and for nearly six hours, each family passes inspection, and medicines are provided.
Despite all our good will, the school Tawitchailand remains suspended. It is obviously not recognized by local authorities, who are also beginning to see an evil eye the emergence of these centers for Burmese children, and could decide not only to close the school permanently, but even to expel the forty families living in the premises illegally.

Many NGOs working in the region generally work more or less informally, and many schools are tolerated as long as there's something for everyone. But it seems that the Governor in place is not very fond of favoritism and the threat of greater firmness flat recently about the area.
However, the province of Mae Sot is forced humanitarian agencies to recognize their contribution to economic development, and it is not unrealistic to assume that the Blur will remain the norm for some time. Until the closure of refugee camps? The fall of the Burmese regime?

* Farang: linguistic assimilation Westerners to farangsets, the French Embassy
of Louis XIV in the eighteenth Thailand.
** TESCO supermarket teaches Anglo-Saxon equivalent of crossroads. ***
learning center: educational center.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How To Program Gm L:15252034

I will not apologize over what I write

After eight months the other end of the world, I see how extensive correspondence is difficult to maintain.

I see the discomfort that we may have against the distance, the suspicion that whatever is said, it is next door. That we can not be fair, to say what the other expects of us.

I am aware that we live in a world where the media have plus rien a voir avec ceux du long siecle dernier. Que le courrier traditionnel n’a plus qu’un role quasi folklorique, en ce qu’il correspond aux annonces publiques des evenements qui rythment l’existence d’un homme, d’une famille, d’un groupe ou d’un ensemble. Enfin, que l’on ne s’ecrit plus pour s’epancher en de longues lettres langoureuses.
Bien que l’on puisse considerer que le courrier electronique contribue a une renaissance des liens e-pistolaires, et que les messageries instantanees paraissent un pendant aux billets et pneumatiques que nos parents connurent, il semblerait que le temps que l’on accordait alors a son interlocuteur se limite aujourd’hui A few forms of politeness and the evocation of practical details, dealing with future meetings.

time that we took was back on itself to share the highlights or not, our daily lives, with his / her focal point (s) decreased by as much as the speed of message transfer since the advent canvas.

Should we see a fault of questioning, or even more simply, directory of things in life. Perhaps a risk of losing too fast a memory whose value is lower in countries instantaneous. Besides for the memories, there will always be the pictures.
Or is it that has found a new effusion mode of expression in the writing of blogs. A clever compromise between intimacy and exhibition, and distribution exclusivity, the language of my way to the world. Finally the opportunity to offer to all, and inexpensively, so that I am me. This is especially

to understand that we all need interlocutors. We can not assume, only the weight of the world.
, being heard without forcing the other / the others (are). Share feelings and emotions. The taste of a novel or a culture. That of a film or an idea, a piece of cloth or a pile of stones. Look in the other a guarantee that it is very apparent, and it is human like us.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Agfe Of Empire 2 No Cd 2.0

The cost of living

/ * Item in progress * /

How much money does it take to live in Bangalore? The cost of living is interesting for a student? Was a good purchasing power? Can you buy a house for 100 € in India? But where is Ornicar? When there is inflation? What budget should I plan to live there? What's worth to be purchased before returning to France? Que faut-il acheter avant de partir sous peine de subir une vendetta de la part de son banquier ?

Toutes ces question et bien d’autres encore trouveront des réponses dans les lignes qui suivent. J’espère que vous y trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour évaluer le niveau de vie que vous pourriez vous offrir en venant à Bangalore.

Disclaimer : Nous somme le 16 Janvier 2008 et tous les prix que je donne correspondent a cette date. Comme vous aller le voir plus loin les prix augmentent vite en Inde et il se peut que vous deviez revoir votre budget a la hausse si vous lisez cet article ne serait-ce qu’un an après. De plus ce sont ceux que j’ai noté Bangalore, the second most expensive city in India after Mumbai. If only the rent you can easily divide the price by two other cities (even 6 million as Chennai). Needless to say, branded goods does not change by cons rate by region.

All that to say that the indications are for informational purposes only although checked with my own eyes.

Note: This site is a veritable ode to the spelling mistakes but do not blame me for writing 2 euro without "s". European conventions made this word unchanged since many EU countries do not use a plural "s". The Rupee


The single currency across the country is the Indian Rupee INR currency symbol.

As for the dollar amounts are noted with the abbreviation of the currency front, example: Rs.800.

cents are called paisas but will not risk using it often.

As of today a euro is worth a little over 58 rupees. You can follow the exchange rate on . If you want the changes you can make in airports, malls and other tourist sites. But the best solution is to do with a colleague who often goes to France. My tailor who travels in Europe I was also offered to take me back to euros at no cost.

Do not think in euro

When we arrived in India spends his time mentally convert euro prices (sometimes even in France) but we must banish the habit. It is interesting to come to India for low cost of living, do not judge prices by drawing a parallel with France. Necessarily all will seem cheaper and you'll have. I see lots of foreigners who think like that, "Anyway it is only 2 €" and spend twice as much money they should. If the controller vendor-of-bus tickets do not make your 2 rupees on a ticket of 10, you say he does not have to be dishonest. Of course these are only 0035 euro but it is a matter of principle and give them more of a kid to do everything in restaurants.

Exception must be made for the items you want to return to France. Here of course, do not hesitate to compare prices.


to negotiate with your firm. Otherwise it is very variable depending on time of year and the airline. The range est comprise entre 550 et 1100€

Visa :

Le visa pour l’Inde coute 60 depuis la France. Vous trouverez absolument toutes les informations sur les visas tourisme, étudiant, business et autre cartes PIO ou OCI dans ce précédent post.

Logement : /* A venir */

Restauration : /* A venir */

Faire ses courses : /* A venir */

Transport : Je vous renvoi encore vers un de mes précédents articles pour tout savoir sur les moyens de locomotion a Bangalore et leurs tarifs. Si je devais make a total I would say that wanting to enjoy the city takes between 20 and 60 € a month to move in your ability to prefer the bus to rickshaws.

Clothing: / * * Coming /


India is one of those many countries that makes you realize that the pricing policy of the three French mobile operators akin to racketeering. Here there is no agreement on the size and the salt tax which will carry the pigeons subscribers since the market is highly competitive with Airtel and Hutch (now Vodafone into the fold) in mind. Staying less than a year I have not took one of the many proposed benefits package but a single rechargeable card valid for 12 months + option to Rs.80 (1.4 €) for the same price to all states and not just Karnataka. Then I buy refills Rs.333 (5.7 €) available in all the tiny grocery store that can be found every 100 meters. And Rs.333, it is not complicated, I have a credit of 333 minutes. Yes yes you read correctly, over the phone for 5:30 under 6 €. If you have lots of friends in India, go for a package that will bring to 10 paisas per minute is just over 10 cents an hour!

I said all along that the telephone infrastructure is excellent in all respects. I've never been in default coverage of the city, the voice quality or network availability. The only problems occur in open country when I travel between Bangalore and Chennai but nothing prohibitive for everyday life.


You've read the last paragraph? Bon bah is the opposite for the internet. The 1Meg happens just for 50 € a month, the lines cut across time and tenders Triplay remain the stuff of science fiction and not as a troublemaker Free to stabilize the market. A real shame for a country who is running for the # 1 Global IT and ICT.

Computer and Hi-teck products:

Contrary to popular belief it's less cheap than in France. Not much but buy your laptop or external hard drive in France you will not find better here. For products of large brands in world prices are applied and therefore there is no real difference. However, playing around with the exchange rate and the margin of the seller you may be able to have 10-15% discount on a phone or digital camera. Nice but nothing extraordinary.


A liter is a 1 € pile. It is not much cheaper than France and that poses many problems for development. But when one is at the head of a government that shows 9% growth can afford to squander billions to pay the difference to suppliers to keep a liter below the $ 1 50.

Alcohol and cigarettes:

I'm not fond of beer but I saw that the 2L jug of beer in a pub deemed to pay Rs.200 (1.7 €). For great cocktails in a luxurious restaurant it will cost you only Rs.100 (1.5 €). I do not smoke but colleagues from Business Objects told me it was cheap, less than 1 €. By cons I know nothing about brands of tobacco but they told me it was everything. For bide needless to say that the price is almost nil: Rs.7 Package.

Travel: (private fluff inside)

After your last tuition EPITA and thousands of hours in DM, the internship is also a way to forget gcc and made Sunday afternoon. The best solution remains the weekends at the sea in Kerala or Tamil Nadu (less beautiful beaches anyway). For a round trip by bus berth conditioning more comfortable than the SM14-r4p2 it will cost you € 16 on or . Onsite life is two times cheaper than Bangalore and you'll have time to think about your friends in TIG feet in the water. Guaranteed 100% compliant SUSv3 NO.

a Budget:

Well now that you know the prices, trying to make a budget to live successfully in Bangalore. The superfluous people varies enormously so it will be to provide more. This is not what I spent, it that would advise anyone who would like to come do his internship at B'lore.

Renting a nice 3-room apartment with a roommate with two other people: 150 €

Business Dining at noon in the house at night but still 3 restaurants per week: 80 €

Two solid hours of phone per month: 2 €

Internet (vital for a geek) divided between the 3 roommates: 15 €

Using the bus company over many alternate exits bus / rickshaw: 35 €

So that's € 300 per month need to live in Bangalore. Le minimum légal d’un stage étant de 378€ vous pouvez envisager un stage en Inde sans perdre d’argent. Avec un peu de négociation vous pourrez peut-être avoir 600€ ce qui vous permettrais de vous payer des week-ends à la plage deux fois par mois, de ne manger qu’au restaurant, de faire du shopping… Je ne parle même pas des stagiaires EPITA de fin d’études avec leurs salaires insolents qui n’auront même pas à prévoir de budget.

Vous voici désormais armé pour préparer un budget. Si vous voulez connaitre les tarifs d’autres produits laissez un commentaire ou écrivez moi, moi email est disponible dans mon profil in the right menu.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Sample Past Due Recall Dental Letter

Day of Children Tawitchailen

Thursday, January 10, 2008

What Is Cervical Position 3 Days Befoer

Just photos