Wednesday, December 12, 2007

2004 Chevy Ss Silverado Truck For Sale

Last Friday I went to Pondicherry in order to certify a signature for papers in France. In effet l’ambassade de France se situe a Dehli mais il y a aussi deux consulats : un à Mumbai et un à Pondichéry.

La ville se situe ici :

Il s’agit d’un ancien comptoir Français et l’influence hexagonale est encore très présente :

- Beaucoup de gens parlent français

- Le style architectural est colonial français

- Street names are in French (Rue de la Marine, Rue Bussy)

- There are bakeries and bookstores French

I only stayed few hours but the city seems very peaceful, surrounded by a huge beach and surrounded by a lush jungle. It does not seem affected by pollution, traffic jams and everything seems quieter.

I went back to Chennai by bus (3H - 1 e 50) having first filled my bag with 3 sticks and a dozen croissants / breads au chocolat.

Note: Photos disponibles ce soir

Chai à 6H du mat'

La rue qui mène au consulat

Le consulat de France

Lever de soleil sur la plage en attendant l'ouverture du consulat


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