Karnatakka Holiday
Thursday, November 1:
Last Thursday was a holiday because it was the feast of the state of Karnataka where Bangalore is located. I found Roman and Ugo on MG Road (I talk more about this place soon), basically it is the center of Bangalore with tons of shops. When I arrived e , they had to detour by a shop selling imported qu'Ugo buy wine and cheese. We feel homesick J . After that we hung out in stores and it landed in an Xbox coffee. This is a room with big TVs, Xbox360 and big comfortable cushions well. It can play all the latest games for 1 € per hour and as we had scraped Gears of War the last time it was turned Roman Dead or Alive 4. Ugo has brought us misery and we moved e in Roman.
On site we watched the end of American History X with his housemates and it landed in her bedroom around a laptop. Since it has a good connection we could go on youtube et après une grosse heure à discuter de tout et de rien on a mangé ce qu’avait fait le cuisinier de l’appart de Romain. C’est un gars cool qui vient tous les soirs faire a mangé pour les 5 locataires (ils ont une femme de ménage aussi). Vers 22H, Ugo et moi prenons la direction de la maison et comme à notre habitude on va prendre un Rickshaw qui va déposer Ugo à Teatcher’s Colony puis m’emmener jusqu'à ma résidence...
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