I just reread my previous post and I want to add a small remark.
I just talk about two unorthodox techniques: The bribes, kickbacks, cheating on visas.

take this kind of talk as an advantage for this blog. India is not a conformist country and people have a mentality non-Cartesian such practices is not shocking here. This kind of detail you do not find in books or in the tourism sites so I'll try to give you maximum tips and tricks .
If this offends you, I can quite understand it but do not leave the Western world, three quarters of the planet spins and the system D India is well positioned in the homelands of their wits.
corruption, smuggling, the mafia are integral way of life and I would therefore not ignore the subject a bit hardcore . But do not worry not there will be cocktails, museums, ice and huge-eyed girls in my lyrics;).
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