Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Fainting Eyes Open Neurological
I just reread my previous post and I want to add a small remark.
I just talk about two unorthodox techniques: The bribes, kickbacks, cheating on visas.
take this kind of talk as an advantage for this blog. India is not a conformist country and people have a mentality non-Cartesian such practices is not shocking here. This kind of detail you do not find in books or in the tourism sites so I'll try to give you maximum tips and tricks .
If this offends you, I can quite understand it but do not leave the Western world, three quarters of the planet spins and the system D India is well positioned in the homelands of their wits.
corruption, smuggling, the mafia are integral way of life and I would therefore not ignore the subject a bit hardcore . But do not worry not there will be cocktails, museums, ice and huge-eyed girls in my lyrics;).
Wattage Trips Circuit
I'll try to answer a question we often ask me: what is it like paper (s) to come to India?
If you come within 6 months:
A simple tourist visa is sufficient. It will cost € 60 and € 43 you can add to have it in the day. If you're French, you have absolutely nothing wrong with having one (This is another kettle of fish if you are Pakistani).
Between 6 months and one year:
It is quite possible to request an extension of Visa, if the staff is reluctant, a ticket of 1000 Rs (18 €) ought to loosen. As part of an internship / employment visas are pretty easy to work with have a letter from your employer, much less for tourism.
More than one year: You can ask for the umpteenth time a renewal of visa but after a year it will become increasingly hard. A solution system D is to spend a day in Nepal or Sri Lanka and return to the territory. All counters will be reset.
If you are of Indian origin:
You can request a card PIO or OCI . Personally I was on the Indian passport of my father until I came of age and I used a simple single visa to visit that I made in my 18 years and this year. As I have taken too late I had to give up my card order OCI so I have a PIO I could upgrade in OIC for 22 €.
Simply put:
IOP : 3 months for it, valid 15 years € 333
OIC : 6 months for it, valid for 30 years, 234 €
With these cards you can do almost everything: Benefit from all Indian tariffs, open an account, make a loan, buy a house, start a business ... The only real handicap
(relative) is unable to vote.
Embassy of India :
I suggest you get there the first time, like 7:30 when it opens at 8am because that holiday period queues are impressive. If you know me personally you can give me your folder, it will arrive directly into the right hands.
The official site with full info :
Ultralight Trikesblueprints
No this is not the title of the latest Tarantino movie but has a small cultural and comparative character.
Can You Get A Bikini Wax With Hemoroids
For nearly 20 years that the Vietnamese community living in a large bank of the river, near Phnom Penh.
20 years since they fled their country in search of a life more lenient. 20 ans qu’ils tentent tant bien que mal de se faire accepter par leurs hôtes. Mais les khmers entretiennent une profonde désaffection pour leur encombrants voisins, qui n’ont cessé au cours des siècles de leur disputer leur territoire.
Laurent travaille avec 4 différentes communautés vietnamiennes au Cambodge. Bien qu’il aie ses affaires ici, a proximité de Phnom Penh, il a un véhicule a disposition qui lui permet de se déplacer dans les autres en fonction des besoins.
Il ne s’agit pas la de son poste initial, mais la gestion d’une école de tissage ne correspondant has no skills, a couple of volunteers has replaced it, enabling him to leave in search of a new mission.
We started from the same training session Rue du Bac. Even then we intended to visit us. As soon as I had the opportunity, I did not hesitate to return and am delighted to have been seen at his place of mission, which has little to do with my English boarding school ...
European Women's Girdle Images
not gonna stay four months at the hotel so I put in quest an apartment . My two friends are boxes I already had to find something for myself. I visited a lot of stuff but problem is that I do not stay long enough for the owners. If you want a year in India there are houses with pool and crazy room muscle to 500th month but it will extend 10 mois d'avance. Un autre problème est que les apparts sont rarement meubles.
Après il y a aussi les PG ( paying guest ) qui sont des sortes de résidence dans lesquelles ont paye au mois. Celles que j'ai visite ne me convenait pas.
J'ai trouve un truc un peu entre l'hôtel , l'appart et la PG .
Ca s'appelle Century Nester ( ) et c'est pas mal.
Les chambres sont entre 100 et 200e par mois et pour ce prix la on a un studio dans a residence with:
- A bathroom equipped
- furniture (beds, wardrobe, desk, TV cabinet , chair ...) The
- Wifi
- A of TV 56 cm with 80 channels of cable
- The household is weekly
- A catering service in the apartment (nice when you're too lazy to go eat in town or that wants a coca 22H)
And residence has a lot of advantages:
- Cafeteria
- Laundry
- Gym
- Power Back-up (no risk of power cuts)
- A nice place to land with newspapers
This is a good plan if you do not want to stay for four months. If I stayed over a year I certainly taken March 1 parts and purchased furniture. See a large house in flatmate.
The September 30, 2007, the room when I arrived:
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Bushnellelite 3200 10x40
I first saw it as such, but by dint of reflection, I realized it was indeed what s’agissait. En partant au Cambodge et au Vietnam a l’occasion des vacances scolaires de fin de semestre, je partais comme en pèlerinage sur les terres de l’Empire déchu.
C’est une remarque d’un guide vietnamien, francophone et /phile, comme il aime a le dire, qui m’a permis de réaliser la véritable motivation de mon séjour: “Souvent, les français qui viennent ici se comportent en colonisateurs”. A l’évidence il ne s’agit pas la d’un compliment.
Néanmoins, je compris alors que moi aussi j’étais venu trouve un morceau de France en Cochinchine. Nostalgie d’une époque que ma génération knows that according to the historical relationship of the French debacle at Dien Bien Phu. Stay on the trail of a utopia obsolete, whose memory is still full of bitterness.
Then we find pleasure in classic buildings, it is surprising to find reproductions of familiar monuments, and welcomes the Vietnamese, such as Cambodia, have had the good idea to continue count the bread among the foods of their daily diet.
For nearly two weeks donc, je suis parti a la recherche d’une France qui n’existe plus. J’en trouvai des vestiges qui me conduirent a m’interroger sur les Vietnam et Cambodge d’avant la colonisation, alors vierges encore des dérives idéologiques dont ils peinent a s’extirper.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Rite Temp 6036 Review
I arrived on October 27 at 3:45 am. I matted the addresses of hotels on the net ( ). Everything seemed very expensive, anything under 800r (a little over 14 €) per night. I've been in one that looked nice for 1100R (almost 20 €) per night. It's expensive but I knew it was only for a few days. Business Objects had booked a taxi and arrived at the Century Meritz early morning.
Nothing to say about the quality:
- A large room very clean
- A bathroom in same invoice
- The Fi
- A 56cm TV with 80 cable channels
It is very well located, 5 minutes walk from the forum (I will explain later that is). The neighborhood is called Koramangala, one of the fashions of Blore.
For more information:
Entry :
My room:
With his bathroom:
Friday, October 19, 2007
Caravel Labeled Parts
I'll try to explain here the reason I came to India. I am a student at EPITA and I had an internship at the end after my 3rd year. The latter, in this school is pretty special and we work very much. The first two weeks are particularly famous for containing 20H 140H is working daily on the week. The rest is not a sad person either with weeks of work in applying theory about 85H. And even if we do that ¾ it is still quite tiring. I do not regret at all this year because I learned a tremendous amount of knowledge and that thanks to the great atmosphere and good humor of countless teachers I keep good memories. In summary it was a great experience but nonetheless challenging. But why I mention all this? Oh yeah I wanted to say that a change of scenery and do something really different before starting a new school year. I had a 6 months to do so I told myself I was going from foreigner. The United States and India tempted me well but the latter was preferred for several reasons:
- I really wanted to come to India for more than holidays
- My girlfriend had to come to training Professor of Dance in South India and was able to move its dates to stick with training. Thus we can still see.
- The cost of living is much cheaper and I can live very well with my own training allowances.
- The climate in Bangalore is perfect, it is between 19 and 29 following the period after the site of the Indian weather. Since my arrival he made between 21 and 26 degrees which is very significant.
So I went looking for an internship in India and my school gave me very quickly put into relationship with Business Objects, the world leader in business intelligence (BI search on the net if you do not know not). They asked me to manage the deployment of a project between India and France and I quickly accepted. I do not know what I'm allowed to say on this subject but I can come back a little over the top. I spent two months in Levallois-Perret to start and I arrived in Bangalore at 3:45 am on September 27.
Chicken Pox Virus Survive In The Air?
This blog will try to retrace my journey to Bangalore.
It also allowed my family to have my news and view photos.
Last year 3 students were gone al'ITK (3rd best university in the world) and Siemens. This year, two are from Siemens and for my part, I work for Business Objects. I regularly see Ugo and Roman, the other two epitéens, and it also has a blog: I suggest you read.
Both have had the courage to leave to the discovery of a country they do not know pas mais j’ai un peu moins de mérite puisque mon père est Indien et que je suis déjà venu une dizaine de fois. En revanche je suis originaire de Gonda un petit village au nord de Bénarès et je ne connais donc pas du tout Bangalore. Mes précédents voyages m’ont amenés à Delhi, dans l’Himalaya et un peu partout dans l’Uthar Pradesh mais jamais dans le sud de l’Inde. Je tiens à préciser que l’Inde est un pays immense et que les différences entre le nord et le sud sont très importantes. La langue, la cuisine, le physique des habitants, les coutumes n’ont absolument rien à voir. De plus il n’est pas aussi aisé qu’en France de ce déplacer inside the country. Thus the Indians of another state are considered foreigners if they are not in theirs. But in Bangalore, things are a little different from the dimension of the cosmopolitan city. I'll go into more detail in a forthcoming article.
I know I should have taken me a little early to start this blog (I arrived on September 27) but better late than never. The first news will be very dense.
For those who do not know me here is my description:
Name Ram or Rama
for France Nationality: Franco-Indian
Age: 22 years
School: 4th year EPITA ( )
company that welcomes me to the course: Business Objects (www.businessobjects. com)
Height: 1m90
Weight: 85kg
Vegetarian (It is important here)
I tried to put up pictures but I only have a phone with k750i camera 2MégaPixels. The quality will not always go. However I would try to tax and photos Ugo Romano.
Of the two pronunciations of my name you can read the address this blog as Ram or Rama Blore Blore :) .
Enjoy this blog