Language Passports and Visas I'll try to answer a question we often ask me: what is it like paper (s) to come to India?
If you come within 6 months:
A simple tourist visa is sufficient. It will cost € 60 and € 43 you can add to have it in the day. If you're French, you have absolutely nothing wrong with having one (This is another kettle of fish if you are Pakistani).
Between 6 months and one year:
It is quite possible to request an extension of Visa, if the staff is reluctant, a ticket of 1000
Rs (18 €) ought to loosen. As part of an internship / employment visas are pretty easy to work with have a letter from your employer, much less for tourism.
More than one year: You can ask for the umpteenth time a renewal of visa but after a year it will become increasingly hard. A solution system D is to spend a day in Nepal
Sri Lanka and return to the territory. All counters will be reset.
If you are of Indian origin:
You can request a card
. Personally I was
on the Indian passport of my father until I came of age and I used a simple single visa to visit that I made in my 18 years and this year. As I have taken too late I had to give up my card order
OCI so I have a PIO
I could upgrade
OIC for 22 €.
Simply put:
IOP : 3 months for it, valid 15 years € 333
OIC : 6 months for it, valid for 30 years, 234 €
With these cards you can do almost everything: Benefit from all
Indian tariffs, open an account, make a loan, buy a house, start a business ... The only real handicap
(relative) is unable to vote.
Embassy of India
I suggest you get there the first time, like 7:30 when it opens at 8am because that holiday period queues are impressive. If you know me personally you can give me your folder, it will arrive directly into the right hands.
The official site with full info