Monday, March 29, 2010

Fakes De Paty Manterola


Further to last message still on the island of Eleuthera, Hatchet Bay is a small village but people are very nice. We leave on 3 crew, visit the Caves with stalactites and stalagmites, is the attraction of the area. As it is located about 4 miles from the village, the tourist information lady came nous reconduire en camion, les femmes en avant et les hommes dans la boite. La visite de ces caves vaut le déplacement. Au retour, une dame s’est arrêté et les femmes sont montées en voiture mais les hommes ont eu moins de chance, ils ont marchés. La Kalik, que l’on a bu à la terrasse du petit bar donnant sur le quai, était bien méritée.

Après avoir passé quelques jours dans Hatchet Bay, samedi le 20 mars, nous sommes partis à 09:00 heures vers Royal Island, dernier point d’arrêt avant notre traversée vers les Abacos. Nous avions calculé notre temps pour arriver à Current Island vers midi, pour traverser le Current Cut avec la marée à l’étal. Cut it is considered difficult because of the current which can be up to 8 knots. Do not go with the flow in the nose because you might make on-site ... That's why he must go to the stall of the high or low tide. While browsing, as the sea was calm, Yvonne took the opportunity to remove the engine dinguy, he heated a bit the last time, he wanted to see if there was a problem but found no damage. All parts and screws back in place, a real puzzle that the captain has no problem to solve. After 25 minutes, to 14:00 hours, we arrived in the Bay of Royal Island and anchor in 8 feet of water as clear as a pool water. Good protection from all directions is offered.

After the passage of Current Cut, Gusto Del Mar and her crew have left us to go to Freeport and across the USA. They are now at Fort Pierce.

Royal Island was devastated by hurricane in 1991, there are only remnants of some houses that were never rebuilt. There are currently building a marina that is not yet complete, is expected to grow. It appears that one has no right to anchor when it is finished but it is far from over. We wanted to go to English Wells, but it must be the mooring and there is no data available for the next few days, so we stay at Royal Island. We leave our name on the waiting list for a mooring. Since only 5 minutes, Linda and Richard and Denis Rigalio of a Xtase who joined us, and we boarded Zenith will spend the day Sunday at English Wells. It is the most beautiful place we see since we in the Bahamas. Very nice large village. Everything is clean, beautiful houses, lots of flowers and people really friendly. The majority roam for golf. There is no theft, no violence, all residents are white, very few blacks who left late in the day to go either on the island of Eleuthera Island and Russell or return to work in the morning. There are ferries that ply between the islands. As it was Sunday everything is closed but we make a beautiful walk through this charming village.

Monday, we get the rain that lasted all day with winds''dehorning cattle.'' At lunchtime, for 25 minutes, the winds were sustained between 30 and 37 knots, the lady was anxious for it to end. Our anchor, a Kobra 44 lbs, has selected Zenith fringing showed that at times it is reassuring. On Tuesday morning, 3 crews, we leave for English Wells because we each have a mooring. As everything is open, we visit shops and groceries.

Wednesday we took a trip to go fast ferry to Harbour Island. This is the ferry arriving from Nassau and take us back to 10:00 hours on English Wells at 16:15 pm and continued on Nassau. It was a real nice day. We rented a car for golf because we walk is quite extensive and mainly as a place a bit more hilly. It's a bit more developed than elsewhere Bahamas. There are nice hotels, good restaurants, a magnificent beach, riding on the beach etc. ... It's a place where you could easily stay 3-4 days. Us is one day, but we're glad to have been there.

In return, a 5-7''on call''Rigalio us to plan our departure for the Abacos. Richard has been confirmed weather for our voyage. It's a go for tomorrow morning 07:00 hours. It is expected that as we weighed anchor for the 53 minutes that separate us from Little Harbour, Abaco. Beautiful sailing, wind ESE 9-13 knots, waves 2-3 feet on butt starboard, sailing and motor to help maintain a speed of 5.5 knots. We arrive at our anchorage at 17:00 hours. Navigation not too stressful, I like.

Until next time, the Abacos ...
** I managed to put pictures, I'm not too much to date but I go to internet speed


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