Thursday, August 23, 2007

Clear Stretchy Cm 4 Days Before Period


How to understand my volunteer service without knowing the residents of Pataravit?

Numbering 41, they are almost all Karen (a resident is mong). They inhabit the surrounding mountains, and many do not know much other than school and their village.

As I said earlier, their schooling is in part prise en charge par le diocèse, en échange de quoi ils accomplissent des travaux pour l’entretien de l’école. Leurs parents sont, pour la plupart agriculteurs, et leurs revenus relativement limites.

Pour accéder a cette éducation, ils ont passe un test d’autant plus difficile qu’ils ne bénéficient généralement au préalable que d’un enseignement très succinct. En effet, dans les écoles gouvernementales des montagnes, les enseignants préfèrent souvent payer des villageois pour faire cours a leur place, se satisfaisant d’un moindre salaire mais du plus grand confort de la vie en ville.

La générosité the welcome they gave me and the simplicity with which they accept me allowed me to quickly feel good with them. They took me immediately acquires an authority that even my little brother has never recognized and I immediately felt invested responsibilities.

Following the resignation of Professor framing the boys most of the time my role has expanded, and now I'm the one who ensures that 'TIME-they wake up, take showers in late afternoon and are layered at 9:30 am (another teacher responsible for girls).

Because of their docility, his duties seem mild and do not take the constraints they would not fail to produce with little French.

Moreover, children are my true teachers of Thai. Although I often do talk to them in English so that it makes their ears, they'll usually respond in Thai and attempt somehow to mimic me what they mean when I do not understand not.

They called Duang Can (Moon), Cheu Chay Pichette, Pii Chay Nuntikan, Chutima or Mary, are fans of pop thai and gratify me every morning of a perennial "Good Morning Teacher, how are you?"

Evening classes are conducted in a calm and good humor. We share the students, Miss Na (teacher who looks after the girls) and me, and let them make revisions of grammar when we do not help them to do their "homework". For my part, I'm the greatest (Matayong 3, 4 and 5, ie 3rd 2nd 1st).

From time to time I put on my guitar and try to sing oldies from my meager repertoire. The latest, Father and Son by Cat Stevens.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Soul Silver Roms English Mac


Three volunteers and sent a mission Enfants du Mekong has invited me to accompany them to a village high in the mountains.
I take this opportunity to discover a little more land on which to place humanitarian missions with the Karen people.
We leave early in 4 * 4 and are nearly 3-hour trip, including 2 on track. The scenery is magnificent. Gradients green to the eye, much as we climb and the horizon widens.

We cross a few streams. Fortunately, it did not rain in recent days and carefree until we reach our first stop, a 3 hours walk from Winamyeh.

We let the 4 * 4, we load our bags and are ready for al'ascension that I can hardly be called mountains. Let's talk about hills. Nevertheless, the effort is hard and some steep slopes.

three hours later, here we are. Villagers lead us until the Chief's house (he is also the catechist, the Grocer, the Mayor in the eyes of Thai authorities, etc.)..

The chief's house, a typical home karen: hut built on stilts above the barn, or live pigs, chickens, roosters and cows.

Once refreshed, we tour jusqu'al'école built in party funds USING waivers by EdM (Enfants du Mekong). I imagine for a moment to spend my tuition on this site, a few meters from a herd of cows grazing grass football field, taking advantage of every day vue imprenable sur les montagnes alentours. Certainement que les karens sont un peu poètes..

Le Chef nous propose de prendre une douche, dans une salle de bains a laquelle nous accédons par l’arrière de la maison. Pendant que je prends la mienne, un jeune s’est installe par terre avec les autres volontaires afin de déguster une bouteille d’alcool de riz.

Il habite Bangkok et y travaille dans un restaurant brésilien ou il gagne deux fois le salaire qu’il percevait en tant qu’instituteur a Winamyeh. Il est de retour dans son village pour le week-end (4 jours dont 2 fériés according to the Buddhist calendar - Dharma Day).

According to tradition, when the host opened a bottle of whiskey karen (rice wine), it is a drink that distributes its own discretion until the bottle is finished.
It uses the same glass for all, and we do not drink simultaneously. The rule is that we must drink the first and the last sip of the glass that we offer, but you can drink its neighbors in the meantime.

Back to the narrative time. I'm back from my shower, after three hours of walking. 'm A little tired, but feel relaxed by the contact of fresh water. I sit with others and I were served one drink of rice wine that I drink bottoms up (the first). It serves me a second, third ...
What had to happen happens, I'm drunk, as my companions elsewhere.

For dinner we are served a feast, for which it was slaughtered two chickens and pen a few yards from our drinking. The dishes that we serve are quite different from that found in the plains, and even more spicy.

At 8 o'clock I collapse while my companions continued to discuss that although they refused opens a new bottle of whiskey.