Enfin me direz-vous. Il tient enfin sa promesse de nous parler du peuple karen dont on sait si peu de choses. Cependant je n’en sais pas beaucoup plus et ne pourrais vous donner pour l’instant qu’un aperçu sommaire.
Les lecteurs assidus se souviendront de l’épisode de la cuite a Winamyeh (les autres peuvent consulter les archives), première relation que je fis d’une spécificité of Karen culture, welcoming people from all as you could you know it. Although they admit frankly
appeal to the virtues of brotherly sharing drunk, know that the hospitality of Karen does not stop at the initiation rites ethyl. Always ready to receive guests, Karen you will rarely faulted.
Even though it would not be able to have you at his table before her neighbor, never mind, you will be leaving for a second (or second) meal at home, once the first end (some days Christmas, Father Alain Bourdery, missionary to Karen eat up to five meals ...).
Some serious news though: the Karen are from Burma, living between Thailand and Myanmar and is nearly half the population of the hill tribes. They are monogamous, animists, Christians or Buddhists, proudly thick V-neck tunics of various colors (white for unmarried women), and most live in rice cultivation.
I will not comment on the situation of the Karen in Myanmar, because I do not know her well enough, but know that the refugee camps along the Thai-Burmese border were built for them, when chased by the army, they had to flee the country in the 80s.
There are two alphabets Karen, the novel (Latin) and the Burmese. Both were created in the last century in order to al'écrit speaking a language that even the oral presentation.
Singing movements accompanied folk guitars today, has allowed some literature to keep alive while I defy you to ever see Karen dancing. It appears that it is like seeing the snow falling on Thailand (which also want a lot of Thai). Finally, a
romantic note.
The Karen live in relatively small groups and their number does not exceed the amount of mouths that will feed the next crop. Thus, it is essential that reigns entente cordiale between the inhabitants of a village.
To solve the problems that can not fail to bring life in community, the village head supported by a council of elders to decide the fate of villagers wanting. And until recently still time, each village had its own killer, responsible for discharging the member's account for the benefit of deviating more ...